• Research
• Training - check out new training options on the Training Page!
• Strategy
We strive to make you a successful major giving fundraising organization by using prospect research and strategic planning to meet or exceed your goals. Our research services are customized to meet your organization's needs and provide strategic direction for next steps in the solicitation of your donors.
Services offered include:
Custom, Virtual, In-Person, and/or, On-Demand Research Training:
Whether you are in a small shop or a large shop, we can train you to use free and fee-based resources to enhance your knowledge about your donors or potential prospects. An essential part of the training includes being the most efficient researcher you can be with time management skills, how to make the most of your database for research processes, and how to think strategically for your team's next moves.
Prospect Identification to Complete Your Pipeline:
Do you have the major giving prospects you need to fill your pipeline and development officers' gift charts to meet your goals? If not, we can identify new prospects for your organization which match your Case for Support. Don't be left short at the end of a campaign!
Qualifying Your Current Donors:
Are your current and lapsed donors giving at their capacity and are they likely to support any of your new initiatives? We can look at your current donors for giving upgrades, affinity to your programs, and additional relationship links. This will help you increase the likelihood of the donors being satisfied with what they are supporting, and developing a higher level long-term relationship with you.
Do you need a deeper dive into your current, lapsed or prospective donors? Can you determine the capacity when you are ready for an ask? Detailed profiles can make sure you have done due diligence in your research to assure you are asking the right amount, at the right time, to the right donor, for the right program. Or, custom Due Diligence Reports for your potential corporate partners.
Research Retainer:
Have research available as you need it with our monthly retainer service. In addition to having the flexibility in the type of research you choose, those on retainer will also benefit from having appropriate research and resources proactively "pushed" their way throughout the month.
Specialty Services:
Have research in at the ground floor when developing your Strategic Plan and Case for Support. Custom research surveys to support your Case for Support and/or Campaign. Development of a custom research strategic plan which relates directly to the goals of your organization. We can also help determine what research, training, personnel, prospects and databases are needed to complete your organization's goals.
Tracey was the proud recipient of the inaugural
Apra Canada Excellence in Prospect Research Award (October, 2018)